What is a UPS?

What is a UPS? By Kenny Jackson | Jan 26, 2011   Many of us have been in the middle of entering data into a computer only to have the power blink off for a few seconds, deleting the information and causing us to spend more time re-entering it.  Some of us have even experienced…

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How to choose a Licensed Electrician | Licensed Electrical Contractor

How to Choose a Licensed Electrician/Licensed Electrical Contractor By Gordon Watts | Jan 6, 2011 Looking for a licensed electrician or certified electrician? The most important consideration when hiring an electrician or electrical contractor in Atlanta is to verify whether or not the company is properly licensed.  This includes checking for both a Georgia business…

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How to Avoid a Power Outage while using your Hair Dryer

How to Avoid a Power Outage While Using Your Hair Dryer By Tim Jackson | Dec 29, 2010 Question: Every time my wife uses the hair dryer, it trips the fuse and shuts down the power. How do I fix this without completely overhauling my electrical system in the house? This is a frequent question…

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Property Managers | 3 Tips to Save Electricity | Vacant Buildings

Property Managers: 3 Tips to Save Electricity | Vacant Buildings By Kenny Jackson | Dec 23, 2010 Large vacant building spaces can very easily and unnecessarily consume hundreds, even thousands of dollars of electricity in a short period of time.  Real estate agents, maintenance personnel, and others access these vacant spaces at random times.  Just…

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10 Electrical Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

10 Electrical Safety Tips for the Holiday Season By Gordon Watts | Dec 14, 2010 As the holidays approach, many of us will be using lights and other electrical devices to decorate our homes.  As we do this, we need to be mindful of the dangers that are always present when electricity is being used.…

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