Joey Heard

Joey Heard serves as President at Belco Electric Inc. A career electrician/electrical contractor, he joined Belco in 1992. He holds an Unrestricted Electrical Contractor License and specializes in restaurant, retail, and commercial repairs and installations.
Is an Underground Pet Fence Safe?
Is an Underground Pet Fence Safe? By | Sept 06, 2013 I recently read a well-written newsletter from a power company about the electrical dangers of underground or “invisible” pet fences. It really got me thinking. As a Master Electrician with over 20 years’ experience, I feel qualified to discuss the electrical concerns associated with…
Read MoreWhat is an Energy star rated bulb and why should I use them?
What is an Energy Star Rated Bulb and Why Should I Use Them? By | Mar 25, 2013 In follow up to my last blog regarding the phasing out of T12 fluorescent lamps, I wanted to share some brief information and a helpful link about the “new wave” of energy efficient lighting sources.
Read MoreT12 Fluorescent Lamps Burning Out and Fading Away…
T12 Fluorescent Lamps Burning Out and Fading Away By | Dec 15, 2012 For years, there have been rumors and missed deadlines regarding the phasing out of T-12 fluorescent lamps (the “fat” tubes as some call them). Effective July 2012, the common 4′ T12 lamp is no longer being produced due to a mandate from…
Read MoreSafe Usage of Electric Space Heaters
Safe Usage of Electric Space Heaters By | Feb 16, 2012 Safety Concerns with Space Heaters: Small space heaters are typically used when the main heating system is inadequate or when central heating is too costly to install or operate. In some cases, small space heaters can be less expensive to use if you only…
Read More3 Ways to Improve Parking Lot Lighting and Increase Energy Efficiency
3 Ways to Improve Parking Lot Lighting and Increase Energy Efficiency By | Jun 15, 2011 1. Group Relamping Discharge lamps (metal halide, high pressure sodium) degrade over time, losing up to 40 % of their light output over just a few years. The energy consumed doesn’t change, i.e. power bill cost, but the light…
Read MoreSave Money and Energy : Modernize your Office Fluorescent Lighting
Save Money and Energy: Modernize Your Office Fluorescent Lighting By | Feb 10, 2011 If you have standard four lamp fluorescent lighting fixtures in your office building in Atlanta, our electricians can save you money. Office buildings that are older than five years use four lamp T12 fluorescent lamps for lighting. Due to advances in…
Read MoreHow to Qualify for Rebates on Commercial Lighting in Georgia
How to Qualify for Rebates on Commercial Lighting in Georgia By | March 08, 2011 If you’ve been following my blogs, you know I have been focused on energy saving lighting. I’ve included information on the Federal tax deduction (EPAct 2005) and how quickly a lighting upgrade can pay for itself. Here’s the latest, and…
Read More5 Troubleshooting Tips for Restaurant Ventilation Hood System
5 Troubleshooting Tips for Restaurant Ventilation Hood System By | Dec 17, 2010 Ventilation hoods are critical to your restaurant. Here are some helpful tips you can try the next time your ventilation hood is not working: Is the power switch for the hoods on? The switch is usually located on the front of…
Read MoreCut Your Lighting Cost In Half With Energy Saving Lighting Retrofit
Installing T5 HO fluorescent lighting in place of your existing metal halide hi-bay lights or old fluorescent lights may reduce your energy bill up to 50%!
Read MoreIs an Underground Pet Fence Safe? By | Sept 06, 2013 I recently read a well-written newsletter from a power company about the electrical dangers of underground or “invisible” pet fences. It really got me thinking. As a Master Electrician with over 20 years’ experience, I feel qualified to discuss the electrical concerns associated with…
Read MoreWhat is an Energy Star Rated Bulb and Why Should I Use Them? By | Mar 25, 2013 In follow up to my last blog regarding the phasing out of T12 fluorescent lamps, I wanted to share some brief information and a helpful link about the “new wave” of energy efficient lighting sources.
Read MoreT12 Fluorescent Lamps Burning Out and Fading Away By | Dec 15, 2012 For years, there have been rumors and missed deadlines regarding the phasing out of T-12 fluorescent lamps (the “fat” tubes as some call them). Effective July 2012, the common 4′ T12 lamp is no longer being produced due to a mandate from…
Read MoreSafe Usage of Electric Space Heaters By | Feb 16, 2012 Safety Concerns with Space Heaters: Small space heaters are typically used when the main heating system is inadequate or when central heating is too costly to install or operate. In some cases, small space heaters can be less expensive to use if you only…
Read More3 Ways to Improve Parking Lot Lighting and Increase Energy Efficiency By | Jun 15, 2011 1. Group Relamping Discharge lamps (metal halide, high pressure sodium) degrade over time, losing up to 40 % of their light output over just a few years. The energy consumed doesn’t change, i.e. power bill cost, but the light…
Read MoreSave Money and Energy: Modernize Your Office Fluorescent Lighting By | Feb 10, 2011 If you have standard four lamp fluorescent lighting fixtures in your office building in Atlanta, our electricians can save you money. Office buildings that are older than five years use four lamp T12 fluorescent lamps for lighting. Due to advances in…
Read MoreHow to Qualify for Rebates on Commercial Lighting in Georgia By | March 08, 2011 If you’ve been following my blogs, you know I have been focused on energy saving lighting. I’ve included information on the Federal tax deduction (EPAct 2005) and how quickly a lighting upgrade can pay for itself. Here’s the latest, and…
Read More5 Troubleshooting Tips for Restaurant Ventilation Hood System By | Dec 17, 2010 Ventilation hoods are critical to your restaurant. Here are some helpful tips you can try the next time your ventilation hood is not working: Is the power switch for the hoods on? The switch is usually located on the front of…
Read MoreInstalling T5 HO fluorescent lighting in place of your existing metal halide hi-bay lights or old fluorescent lights may reduce your energy bill up to 50%!
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