Emergency Residential Generator Installation
By Tim Jackson | Dec 07, 2010

My name is Tim Jackson and I'm the Director of Service Operations for Belco Electric. I've been working at Belco Electric for over 10 years now. Today I want to talk to you about some considerations when deciding to install an emergency generator at your home.
There are numerous reasons that we in Georgia need to be prepared for power outages. Many people have small children or take care of someone with special needs that makes having an emergency generator almost a necessity. The truth is, everyone can benefit from having an emergency generator.
For most residential applications, a 5000 watt portable generator is enough to provide power to the necessary systems in your home during a power outage. The system is simple, consisting of a portable generator, a special waterproof receptacle, and a generator panel. The portable generator makes it possible to store your generator out of the elements while not in use. The generator panel keeps your generator protected from over current when the utility company restores power to your area as well as prevents power lines that may be laying in your yard from becoming energized from your generator thus eliminating a shock hazard.
Many homeowners decide on a fixed-in-place generator. This unit is permanently fixed on a pad similar to your air conditioner and is fueled by natural either gas or propane. These systems offer a complete hands-free approach to operation and will sense when utility power is lost, start up the generator, and automatically switch the breaker panel from utility power to generator power. Once power has been restored by the utility company the unit senses this and reverses the process, switching the house back to utility power and turning off the generator.
The decision to add an emergency generator system is one to be contemplated during the “calm before the storm”. You do not want to wait until bad weather is imminent as supplies are commonly unavailable during these events. Also, it may also be difficult to get your system installed before the storm hits.