
Safety Considerations with Metal Halide Fixtures

For our blog post this week, we are featuring a guest article from our commercial insurance agent, Wilson Vickers, who will discuss safety concerns regarding metal halide lighting common in many warehouse facilities.   Make sure to check out the links at the bottom of this article to find other blog articles on this subject, view a video showing before and after views of a metal halide fixture replacement in Atlanta, and learn how you can qualify for energy saving rebates in Georgia. Read more

3 Ways to Improve Parking Lot Lighting and Increase Energy Efficiency

1. Group Relamping

Discharge lamps (metal halide, high pressure sodium) degrade over time, losing up to 40 % of their light output over just a few years.  The energy consumed doesn’t change, i.e. power bill cost, but the light level lowers. Think of it like a 400-watt lamp that’s only putting out the lumens that a 250-watt lamp would. Read more